Saturday, 08 February 2025

A Articles

Packaging Materials

In the world of packaging, there are many different issues that one must face when looking to safely ship a package. The reason for these precautions is due in fact to the many different aspects a package faces when being transported. For example, when a package is being shipped, one of the main concerns is in fact the vibration. If a package was containing anything that is valuable or fragile, that object could very well be damaged due to steady vibrations when in a truck, plane, or other vehicle. When aligned with problems of packages being dropped as well, internal packaging starts to become increasingly important. Being that almost every package has some type of internal packaging, there are many different types of material that can be used. With each material, there is of course a difference separating them out. While one packaging material may be useful in a handful of situations, it may not work out in another situation, hence, why there are so many options.

Loose Fill: Loose fill can commonly be seen as “packaging peanuts.” Being easily accessible, many products will just be generally surrounded by these peanuts. While the product is not directly held in place, the idea is that the peanuts take up the place and add cushioning where it is needed.

Encapsulated-Air Plastic Sheeting: Commonly a child's favorite due to the popping noise of the air encapsulated. Being that air is easily compressible, this makes for a great inside liner that will cushion a package. However, being that the cushion is dependent on air, the air is also still subject to change to its environment (expand and collapse due to pressure and temperature)

Polyethylene Foam Sheeting: Polyethylene foam sheeting is indeed an extremely cushy foam. Being that it still maintains its structure, this foam is better known for its impact shock capabilities and cushioning under high pressures rather than vibrations.

Inflatable Packaging: While this packaging is slightly more uncommon than the others, it again uses the compressibility of air to help cushion vibrations. At the same time being encapsulated around the product, this inflatable packaging also provides a substantial layer of protection for shock impact.

Foam-in-Place/Foam-in-Bag: This type of inner lining is done by creating a mold around a package with material. This insulates the product and can be effective in protecting against edge crushing and shock.

Kraft Paper: This kind of material can be effective for wrapping a product or package. Due to its thin layer, there is not much protection added to bigger parts unless wrapped multiple times.

Paper Cushioning: This material is renewable due to it being made of paper. However, this particular packaging is mainly just multilayered Kraft paper, which has many of the same properties as well as extra vibration cushioning.

Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS): Expanded Polystyrene Foam is a highly structured foam. Because of this property, this foam is great for holding a product in place during impact testing. Following the direct relationship, this product will not protect against vibration.

Polyurethane Foam (PU): Also found as sound deadener due to its highly absorbing nature proves itself as great vibration packaging. While it does not hold its shape extremely well, it does a great job of absorbing short impacts.

Corrugated Board: being the straight up cardboard, it is a great accessible source of internal packaging as well holding itself to be more structured than anything else.


“Internal Packaging.” UPS,

Valley Box Company. “5 Types of Internal Packaging Materials.” Home,

“Cushion Packaging / Foam Packaging.” Foam Packaging & Cushion Packaging | UFP Technologies,

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